Gnomes Glittering with Trouble! Stole My Accessories & Stealing Hearts

Published on 26 February 2025 at 10:14

I don't know how often y'all are running late for work (and life) but it seems to almost always be the case with me. At least it was the case this morning. I come fast-walking out of the bedroom to grab my bags and head out the door--and I found this mess!


I don't have a ton of jewelry or anything, nothing fancy, but that's all the more reason it's important to me! My jewelry is sentimental! I keep a little ceramic container next to the sink to take off my rings when I wash the dishes, etc. Those little buggers got into everything in the container and had it spread out everywhere. In the window!


They're lucky they didn't lose anything--that I know of! Just wait until my almost teenager realizes they played with her jewelry too--I don't think it'll go well. They better shape up, AmIRight?!

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