Paws, Poison Control, and Passive Agression

This past 24 hours has been enough to cause me to drink. Last night, after work, while enjoying my solo bathroom concert, a.k.a. having quiet time, albeit while I'm going to the bathroom, my son Luke's scream shattered my bliss, "OH MY GOD, BAILEY, WHAT DID YOU DO?! MOMMMMMMMY!" I halted my moment and rushed out to find my furry not-so-little monster face deep in CHOCOLATE cake. Not just chocolate cake, mind you. Chocolate cake with chocolate fudge icing. It looked pretty good (I didn't actually get a piece before my monster devoured it). My heart stopped beating for a minute. The award for 'Most Convincing Innocence" goes to...Bailey...who, when she heard me coming, threw herself in the cage, making the face of a puppy angel. "Who me? Eat cake? Never..." Her tail even wagged happily for about 0.2 seconds before the smudges on her nose betrayed her. 

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Say Hello to my Little Friend

Hey, y'all, how's everyone?! It's the weekend! Thanks for joining me this time around. So...I stumbled upon a new assistant, helper, friend. I use the term "friend" loosely but all the other things are true. Let me tell you about it and then I have an ask of you. Pretty please, gnomies. It'll be fun.

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My Favorite Products From OUR Shop

Looking at these cute little gnome faces is my love language, especially if they're on an adorable snuggly blanket, or a comfy pair of pajamas, or cozy house slippers. Or all of the above! For those of you who are new here, you don't know how I started my store and what it means to me. Long story short, I had a health scare. The problems I'm having are still there, and I still don't know why, but my mindset has done a complete 180 thanks to the Gnomes at Mama's Gnome Shop. I started the shop as a way to raise awareness for the disease I thought I had (it's still a possibility, but hey, I'm fine with no for now)--as a way to cope. I had nobody to talk to, to cry to, or to just be there for me and tell me my symptoms are valid and concerning, it will be okay, and they've got my back. That led me into a great depression. You also don't know this, but I simply can't afford to get depressed. It doesn't go well for me. I'll leave that there.

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Love, Work, Repeat: My Chaos

Hey, y'all, happy to have you with me. I started a new job today; a job that is amazing with amazing benefits and even more importantly, amazing people that I get to work with. I'm beyond thrilled! But as my first day has gone on, I can't help but think about all the ways I balance (or try to balance) my life between mom life, work, my business, and wife life. I always want to give my best, but as y'all know, sometimes that's easier said than done.

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6 Fashion Fails Commonly Made

Avoid 6 common fashion fails made. Know what they are, then you know what to do instead. Scroll for the insider info. .............1-wearing clothes that don’t fit your size or shape. Everybody’s different and everybody looks beautiful, I think, when their clothes fit. 🤗........2-not getting your clothes tailored to fit. This is an old fashion fashion tip that’ll never go out of style. Nobody should have their pants legs dragging through the mud. If you can’t get a seamstress to help, sew them yourself or get a different pair of pants from the beginning. This is why it’s important to try things on before you buy. 🛒......

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Husbands: Heros or Burdens?

Some of y'all already know this, but I have to husband did something so incredible that I have no words. He moved our entire family to our new house...alone. Because, well, hiring movers is sooo last season. Right. Ha. He somehow managed to relocate all of us--kids, dogs, cat, me and my hoarding level of stuff--without completely losing it. He truly saved the day. He worked for three days, lifting, carrying, disassembling, loading, driving, unloading, reassembling. He did it without one complaint. And bonus challenge: without even letting me lift a finger to help with boxes. Perfect timing for his wife to break her back, am I right?! And no, I did not do it on purpose. Yes, it is pretty literally broken. And, yes, it hurts. It'll be fine. Anyway, he still pulled it off. Award for Husband of the Year (and Saint of Patience) officially granted to him. The interesting part?! I have so much faith in him as our protector, our person, our take-care-of-things man, that I never had a doubt. Many might've if they were in my shoes, but I knew he'd handle it, and look sexy all the while.

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Loganisms: Daily Doses of Sarcasm and Joy from My Youngest

Y'all have seen this phrase around, right? I have a shirt like this. It's one of my favs. Because, although it's embarrassing to know that my kids call me "Bruh," they do. And sometimes you can't help but just embrace the chaos, and laugh. It's one thing I learned in this health scare that doesn't seem finished.

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Easy Life Hacks for My Fellow Mamas Out There

"The most important work you'll ever do will be within the walls of this home (or gnome home, ha)." I love that saying. I have it on a canvas at our house. Now don't get me wrong. This is not about being a stay-at-home mama versus a working mama, or anything along those lines. It's a reminder that our loves, our lives, our babies, our family...are more important than any other thing we do. I like it as a reminder when I'm feeling stressed by tasks. It reminds me to focus on these moments, moments that will be gone soon, never to get back. So...I'd like to bestow upon y'all some of my experienced Mama knowledge, to maybe help you use your time more efficiently, so you can always be sure to stay focused. 

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2 Steps Back, 1 Forward

For those of you who know me personally, you know that I struggle with, ahem, my temper. A little. At times. I'm getting better in my old age, ha. But I had two incidents this week that set back my shop. 

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T-7 Days

Good evening, y'all! It's T-7 days until Valentine's Day, meaning it's our last chance to encourage customers to take advantage of our amazing sale (I think so, anyway) for the big day! The problem is, folks, that I'm no salesperson. Some of you know, I'm a nurse, and I'll say it again--I'm no salesperson. I sold candy and whatnot as a kid for school fundraisers and even that didn't go well. I'd get filled with so much anxiety before having to start my route around the neighborhood that my little armpits were sweaty! I got yelled at once by an old lady neighbor for not having the ins and outs of my items memorized. Ugh. As an adult, not too long ago, I was put into a role at work that required me to "sell" nursing school to prospective students. Um, I don't think either want it or you don't. Who am I to tell you otherwise?! That's how I feel about selling in general, personally.

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