Avoid 6 common fashion fails made. Know what they are, then you know what to do instead. Scroll for the insider info.
1-wearing clothes that don’t fit your size or shape. Everybody’s different and everybody looks beautiful, I think, when their clothes fit. 🤗
2-not getting your clothes tailored to fit. This is an old fashion fashion tip that’ll never go out of style. Nobody should have their pants legs dragging through the mud. If you can’t get a seamstress to help, sew them yourself or get a different pair of pants from the beginning. This is why it’s important to try things on before you buy. 🛒
3-wearing the wrong shoes for the outfit, or occasion. This is hard for some people. Sometimes it may be money, and I get that. I don’t buy a lot of shoes either. But you can at least help if the style matches. Leave the pencil skirt with tennis shoes to the old ladies. 😂👟
4-not dressing for the occasion. Doing this gives so many red flags. Dress for the event you’re going to, and if you really don’t want to get dressed up for that wedding on Saturday, then don’t go. Anything else is not just a fashion mistake but can be viewed as disrespectful.
5-not dressing your age. Again, everybody looks great when their clothes fit. Including age. I would hope my grandma isn’t running around the bingo hall in a halter top! 🫣👵
6-last but not least. Number 6 on the list of common fashion fails made…is being too trendy. Most people want to at least appear current in a vague, broad level of acceptance. But if you become more of a follower than independent, you can end up looking cheesy with too much of a fad in style.
The previous point leads me to remind you that Mama's Gnome Shop is no trend, and no fad. From its original designs to each custom made item, made just for you, it’s the perfect place to find something fun and quirky to wear, while not falling in to the fashion fails.
Thanks for reading, y'all. Before you go, check out our current collections of clothing, apparel, and home decor.
Mama's Gnome Shop, A.K.A. Eliza
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